The Vagabond

Jack of writing, bicycling, photography and a few hundred other things you may not be interested in


ABC of 123, Indo – US (-IAEA) nuclear deal

I have to first say that I don’t know the ABC of this, still it doesn’t stop me from trying to form an opinion when the ruling coalition of the central government is at the brink of falling from power. Why is this called the 123 agreement?Section 123 of the United States Atomic Energy Act […]

US must re-build railways

At the beginning of the 20th century USA had a fairly good railway system which if left to grow would have given a good balance of trasportation options to the nation. Like many other capitalistic strategies the railways was bough and deliberately left to rot to death by the automobile masterminds. (http://www.culturechange.org/issue10/taken-for-a-ride.htm) The death of […]

Eunuchs/transgenders – is it time to think about them?

‘They say they cannot reproduce then how is their population growing?’ This is a nasty joke I saw in a TV show. Though nasty, it made me think for a while. Aren’t they being discussed more nowadays? Aren’t they spotted more in many places? Most of us know them as people looking like men dressed […]

Olympic torch relay – Is it worth ?

The olympic torch relay is considered to be a prestigious event for all the athletes and participating nations. The once in four year event, the biggest sports event of the planet is indeed a remanant of a great civilization. It is very well maintained and evolves smoothly through the ages. The flame and the Cauldron(the […]

Behind Benazir’s death

It is indeed surprising to learn that Benazir’s assasination is still a guess work. It is comparable with JFK’s but its decades apart. We, especially the only super power USA, the godfather of the Pakistan government(if we can say so) claims of technological and intelligence supermacy but we are all guessing. Here is my guess […]