Taaazaa Nilgiris

With the New Year’s eve approaching, a question to the dwellers of the concrete jungles of urban India. Given the below choices to go on a year end vacation to welcome the New year, what would you choose ?

1. A smoke filled pub in the heart of Bangalore

2. An all-night celebrity show at a 5 star hotel in Chennai

3. The prestine cool slopes of the Nigiris

Well, unfortunately I have not added a check-box and a submit button against this question but I can hear you scream, threee!!!

The name ‘Nilgiris’ just does not bring to mind the serene mountains but to all Bangaloreans its the delicious pastries of Nilgiri’s that immediately tickles the taste buds.

Imagine, come Christmas you pack your bags, slide into hiking shoes and head towards the mountains leaving behind the chaos of the cities and bike at your leisure, yes just tour around and not race across the beautiful bounties until you reach the next year. Sounds like a dream…? This exactly is what a bunch of friends are about to undertake.

The TOUR OF NILGIRIS (http://www.tourofnilgiris.com/)

Ranging from age as close as half a century to as low as 13, biking enthusiasts are getting together to make this dream come true. It’s a merger of passion than skill as they range from regular busy engineers to reasearch scholars and even long distance cycling specialists. Despite their busy lives they’ve been working hard to train themselves to reach the finish line of this tour.

This little trip to some could be the beginning of a great journey towards bringing awareness to the couch potatoes about fitness and mother nature.
More such initiatives needs to be encouraged and publicized for the message to reach out loud and clear…It would be appropriate to say …यह दिल मांगे more

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